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My hobby
I am passionate about astronomy and often spend my nights watching the stars through a homemade telescope. Stars and planets fascinate me with their beauty and mystery. I also like to spend time in nature, so I do urban gardening and create a green oasis among the concrete jungle
Why am i here?
I decided to register on a dating site because I want to expand my social circle and find people who share my interests and passions
Welcome to my room!!
Hello! Welcome to my room! My name is Britt, I'm glad to meet you!
About me
Hello! My name is Britt, I'm 19 years old and I live in the beautiful city of Riga. I have always been attracted to the mysteries of the Universe and the beauty of nature, which forms the basis of my hobbies and dreams.
Forgot to say, i love to play chess sometimes! Smart game for the smart girl hehe
My dreams
My dream is to become a famous astronomer and artist who combines science and art in his projects. I want to create a series of works inspired by space and organize an exhibition where visitors can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of stars and planets. In addition, I dream of traveling the world, observing the sky from different parts of the Earth, and sharing my discoveries and art with people around the world